Friday, August 29, 2014

Immigration Turmoil


President Barack Obama is getting close to making an unilateral decision to allow illegal immigrants to stay legally in the country. According to the articles, “Obama’s immigration decision could roil 2014 election” from The Washington Post and “Immigration Clash Could Lead to Shutdown” from The New York Times, neither the Democrats nor Republicans are too thrilled about the decision. The Democrats are pleased to know that Obama wants to do something about the immigration issue, but they want Obama to postpone this action till the elections are over. They are worried that the Conservatives will not appreciate an unilateral decision being made and this will impact their re-election. The Republicans are upset that President Obama wants to go through with this executive decision and bypass Congress. The Republicans, particularly Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, say that they will, if needed, pull the funding to stop President Obama from doing this, which could lead to a government shutdown. Representative Steve King from Iowa thinks that President Obama’s executive decision could put us in a constitutional crisis and an impeachment could become a plausible option. If Obama goes through with this there will be chaos in the election aspect, even the Obama Administration is considering waiting till post-election.
This relates to the government course in the sense that it covers the Democratic and Republican ideology on the topic of immigration. Also, how President Obama could be impeached if he goes through with this or the government might shutdown again. And all of this could hurt both sides chances of re-election. Especially since President Obama is willing to sidestep Congress and may continue despite the funding cut from the Republicans. Even though the immigration rules on deportation need to change, President Obama should wait till the elections are over to go through with this decision, the only problem then are the immigration activists.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Senator John Cornyn

Senator John Cornyn

John Cornyn is running for re-election as the United States of America Senator for Texas and is a part of the Republican Party. He was born on February 2, 1952 in Houston, Texas, but grew up in San Antonio. John Cornyn has been married for 34 years and has two daughters. He attended Trinity University and St. Mary’s School of Law. He received a Masters in law from the University of Virginia Law. Senator Cornyn was named St. Mary’s Distinguished Law Graduate and the Trinity University Distinguished Alumnus.      
    He had worked as a district judge, a member of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General of Texas. In 2002, Senator Cornyn was elected into the senate for the first time. He made himself as the leader in the Senate for a spectrum of cases that had value to Texans during his first term. Senator Cornyn had a nationally known reputation of standing up for the conservative values. He is dedicated to making the borders secure, improving the immigration system. Cornyn and Henry Cuellar (the U.S. Representative from Texas) came up with the Helping Unaccompanied Minors and Alleviating National Emergency Act also known as the Humane  Act, which is a bill that will help children on the border.  Some other bills he has most currently sponsored include: S. 2773: A bill that would make supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year for things like security on the border and is ending September 30, 2014, and the Wounded Warrior Tax Equity Act of 2014. He is also dedicated about reinforcing the national defence, making healthcare easier to access and affordable, making more educational and job opportunities available,  and improving the economy by cutting back on spending and making sure taxes stay low. The Senator is also a big supporter of Texas military personnel. According the article, “Following IG Report, Cornyn Calls On President To Direct FBI To Investigate VA,” John Cornyn urged the President to tell the FBI to look into the mistreatment of our veterans.

       He has been the Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and the Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the 2010 and 2012. He has also received many awards and honors like the National Child Support Enforcement Association’s Children’s Champion Award. John Cornyn is on the Committee of Finance and Judiciary currently. He has also been the Senate Minority Whip since January 3, 2013 and a member of the Republican Senate leadership since about 2006. Senator Cornyn is also a part of various caucuses, for example, the Army Caucus, United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control and Community College Caucus. John Cornyn won the Republican primary election with about 59% of the votes.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Political Blogs

Huffington Post
      The Huffington Post is an American news blogging site. It focuses on current events and looks at it from a liberal point of view. Huffington Post has many articles in which journalists are free to post their opinions. And since they have access to the news and sometimes other resources, the Huffington Post is pretty accurate and reliable. However it would be better if more of the articles were written by people doing the research for themselves instead of just writing what the news says in their own words.The authors are allowed to express their opinions and that makes the articles and posts biased. For example, Jason Linkins wrote about the Ebola breakout in his post called “Worrying About Ebola Coming Over The Border Is The Hot New Thing In Paranoid U.S. Politics.” He said,“And people really should not stoke fears that the U.S. is under some imminent threat of an Ebola outbreak”(Linkins). He informs people about the Ebola virus and tells them that he believes they have nothing to worry about which was his opinion. The Huffington Post offers a variety of topics on the site. Even though they often post about the popular news pieces, readers can get the jist of what is going on in the world. But to get unique insight and find out about events not mentioned in the daily news one should find any other blog site.

The Raw Story
      The Raw Story is an American liberal blogging site. It posts a lot of current news that is mainly political and economic. It focuses a lot on the media aspect and goes toward the most popular opinion. It also covers a lot of controversial topics and is generally written from a liberal point of view. The authors of this site have left-wing ideals. The writers are also not afraid of getting graphic and telling the story how it is. The articles contain bias, but still remain true to the story. For example, the article, ‘Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur blasts Hannity on Ferguson: ‘Why don’t you shut the f*ck up?’” is pretty blunt and states the situation well and still is able to convey the opinion of the author well. The Raw Story is a news blog that does a good job of bringing the real news with the opinions of the authors present.

      ThinkProgress is an American political news blog that has a liberal point of view. ThinkProgress has a wide array of topics for their articles. It focuses on political ideas and policies that are progressive as the name implies. For example,  in the article “Congressman Uses Victory Speech To Demand Apology For Opponent’s ‘Disgusting’ Racists Ads,” “When Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) stepped up to the podium Tuesday night to deliver a victory speech, it wasn’t all smiles and handshakes” (Ollstein).  The articles often  lack objectivity because it is all about making everyone like their posts.The authors utilize things like hyperboles which slightly takes away from the credibility of the posts. However, since ThinkProgress is a left-winged site, the authors express their bias towards and love for the left-wing side well.