Friday, December 5, 2014


Obama threatened to veto the $440 billion tax deal according to New York Times. The success of the threat showed that the president and the Democrats in Congress, in both the current lame-duck session and in the Republican dominant, will still be able block out the proposals they do not like. This deal would have retroactively renewed the dozens of expired tax breaks. A few of the tax breaks like the credit to produce wind energy would be worth it. And some of the special interest giveaways like tax breaks for car racing tracks. And some are wasteful handouts like the idea to let corporations write off purchases afterwards instead of depreciating them over time. These business tax break would benefit the wealthy because creating lower taxes would result in higher investment returns. Democrats called for the package to include provisions that would help low and middle income workers. Specifically they wanted improvements to the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit to become permanent rather than expire at the end of 2017. Republicans, however, refused  because they do not want to help the immigrants who will be allowed to work legally due to the executive action on immigration.

This article talked about the president’s veto power and how he used it as a threat. And the president’s executive action on immigration.  It also talks about the lame-duck session of Congress is one that takes place after the next election for Congress has occurred, but before the end of the current Congressional term. It also mentions Obama working with the Democratic Congress members like Harry Reid. Tax breaks are talked about as well, and how the Republicans and Democrats have differing views on the subject.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Senate Update

On December 2nd, John Cornyn released a statement in which he talked about how Obama is “Poisoning the Well.” He talks about how Obama needs to get the message that the American people are not happy with the decisions he is making. Specifically about the retroactive legislation on taxes and the immigration reform. John Cornyn says that the Republican majority is going to work to improve things like the job market in order to make the American people happy again.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Republican's Thoughts on the Immigration Policies

The Republicans do not want Obama to implement his plan to help millions of immigrants according to an article in the LA Times. John Boehner said that the Republicans in the House of Representatives will in fact act against Obama. Using the budget process is one way they can stop the immigration plan. This way would prevent a shutdown, but make it so that there would be a debate on the policies next year when the Republicans would have control of the Congress. Censure or impeachment of Obama would also be possible options. House Republican filed a lawsuit on Friday against the president for not enforcing part of the Affordable Care Act and said they might extend the suit to include immigration. Democrats and Obama said that maybe Republicans should address their problems by passing legislation.
This article talks about John Boehner who is in the House of Representatives and is the Speaker of House. It also talks about how next year the Republicans will have control of the Congress. The article also talks about a government shutdown that might be implemented. Impeachment was also an option and is when the president can be removed for things like treason. It mention the Affordable Care Act and how there is a lawsuit being filed against the president. Passing legislation was also mentioned as way for the Republicans to get their concerns heard.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Senator Cornyn


Senator John Cornyn is one of the most Conservative Senators and is a rank-and-file Republican. He log rolls with most of the other Republicans in the Senate and votes with the majority of Republicans most of the time. For example, the measure S.2280 A bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, there were 59 Yeas and 41 Nays. Senator John Cornyn voted Yea like Senator Mitch McConnell. Cornyn also considers McConnell one of his very good friends.  


Friday, November 14, 2014


According to an article in the NY Times and the administration, Obama is planning on letting immigrants stay and work in the United States, by ignoring Republican protesters, and announcing that a system will protect them from the threat of deportation and provide them with work permits. The key piece is that it will allow parents of American born citizens or legal residents to get legal work documents. But the White House is considering a policy that would limit the benefits to people who have lived in the country for a minimum of 10 years. They are also considering whether farmers would fall under protection, especially those you have been employed in the agriculture industry for a while. A memorandum will make it so deportation continues to apply to criminals, security risks and recent border crossers. Obama has not implemented or introduced this policy yet because he is trying to avoid a political confrontation, because people like Speaker John. Boehner would oppose him. The Republicans in the Senate are also planning on opposing any immigration action on the president’s part. Many pro-immigration advocates are expecting action because they want something to overcome the bipartisan immigration bill the caused a Congressional gridlock last year.
The article covers the topic of gridlock, specifically a gridlocked Congress. In the Senate, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is one of the critics of the plan Obama will try to implement. The senators led by Senator Cruz plan to oppose the pass of a budget next month unless it prohibits Obama from passing the executive amnesty for people illegally in the country. Obama realizes that immigration could cause a political confrontation which might affect the budget, and the debate about Loretta E. Lynch during the lame duck session. Loretta E. Lynch is the president’s nominee for Attorney General. That is why Obama is waiting till December when the budget can be approved.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Renewed Commitment to Repeal Obamacare

According to an article in the Huffington Post, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell wrote in the Wall Street Journal that they would now use the Republican Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This inturn would return the focus of the GOP to the job market and economy. And it will now be made easier to do so because they will be able to pass bills that the old Democratic Senate majority did not allow for. The Republican majority in the Senate, however, will not be enough to eliminate Democratic filibusters or presidential vetoes. Especially since Obama said that repeal of Obamacare was not a possibility since it provides healthcare to so many people. McConnell said that he realizes that a complete repeal of the law is not plausible while Obama is the president, but that he believes that Congress could make it less effective by going after specific provisions.
The article talks about John Boehner the Republican House of Representative of Ohio who is also the House Speaker and the incoming Majority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell the Republican for Kentucky. The repeal of the law the Republican majorities are talking about is involving health care. The GOP (Grand Old Party) is now getting a chance to repeal and focus on what the Republican Party wants. Congress being Republican party majority now, will eliminate the bipartisanship that occurred before. The Democrats might utilize the strategies of filibusters and presidential vetoes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

John Cornyn

John Cornyn got re-elected as the United States Senator of Texas. He won due to the incumbency effect. The constituents in Texas mainly consist of Republicans who vote Republican and this helped the Senator win the election as well. The negative coattail effect that the Democrats had to face, helped him and gave the Republicans another chair in the Senate. His campaign finance consisted of him spending $13,208,687 and that money helped him beat his competitors by getting 61.6% of the votes in Texas.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Expand or End One-Party System

The article, “Campaigning to Extend, or End, One-Party Rule,” from the New York Times, is about the danger of having one-party or good that can come from one party. The Democrats have won control of Minnesota’s state government by flipping both the legislative chambers, pushing through tax increases on the wealthy, accepting Obama’s Medicaid expansion for the lower class and approving same-sex marriage. Now the Republican candidate is campaigning brutally to show that the Democrats are overreaching in Minnesota. The trend toward a one-party control, causes states to become extreme and become the testing grounds for the specific party’s policies, for example, the policies the Democrats passed in Colorado and the Republicans passed in Wisconsin. Some say a divided government with two parties is better, others say this will cause a gridlock or government shutdown. Some say that one-party rule will prevent extreme policy making and allow full control of a state, and others argue that this will be unbalanced and result in out of control spending.
This article talks about the two-party system and how people believe that it should stay this way or become a one-party system. Democrats and Republicans are campaigning to become their state legislature representative so that there party can have control of states so they can be the majority party. Currently, 23 states are Republican and 13 are Democratic and this shows the most amount of states being under one-party since the last six decades.They are using resources for get-out-the-vote and are phone banking and canvassing, like House of Representative Joe Radinovich of Minnesota. The ones who campaigning to extend one-party rule think it prevents a gridlock and allows changes to made for the better because the party is actually given a chance to do so instead of being stuck in gridlock, like the government shutdown in 2011. The two-party system, however, prevents one party from having too much control and from spending too much money.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Senate Campaigning

Senate Races: Where Outside Groups Spend Their Money, this article from the New York times talks about the spending in the senate race by Outside Groups. The outside group that spends the most money in the Senate race is television. According to the Federal Election Commission data, television ads are able to reach voters better than online ads. They spend about $11 on just digital forms this year, this includes online ads, social media. PACs also spend tons of money trying to help elect their candidates.  From Oct. 10, television represented 82% of independent expenditures in Senate general election contests that were reported to the FEC., an increase from 75% in 2010.The outside groups have also put more emphasis on get-out-the-vote operations, which represented less than 3 percent of outside spending in Senate races in 2010 and has increased to more than 4 percent in both the 2012 and 2014 Senate contests. The amount of that spending in Senate races comes from groups supporting Democrats, $8.7 million compared with $709,000 by Republican groups. Spending on mail and phone banking however is starting to decrease.
This article talks about the campaign strategies and the amount of money spent in Senatorial elections. It talks about the FEC, which an agency that regulates campaign finance legislation. And PACs, Political Action Committees, which are meant to raise money privately to influence elections and get their candidate in office. The Get-out-the-vote, GOTV, is a political activity that is meant to increase the number of votes cast in an election, and money is targeted towards this help a candidate. Media coverage is an influencing component in races and so candidates have money specifically for television and the internet so they make independent expenditures, ads that support or defeat a candidate in an election.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Senate Poll

Polling Data

Cornyn (R)
Alameel (D)
RCP Average
9/11 - 10/2
Cornyn +19.7
10/1 - 10/2
840 LV
Cornyn +21
9/20 - 10/1
4177 LV
Cornyn +20
9/11 - 9/25
666 LV
Cornyn +18

According to Real Clear Politics, John Cornyn has 51% of the votes and the other competitor, David Alameel (D) has 31.3%. According to the Texas Lyceum 48% of the people would vote for Cornyn and 30% for David Alameel. And according to the Rasmussen Reports latest polls, 50% voted for Cornyn and 29% for Alameel.
The Senator John Cornyn of Texas seems to be in a safe place and has a very high chance of getting re-elected. All three polls show a pretty strong lead with about 50% of the voters voting for him. Not only does he have the advantage of being a Republican in a Republican state, but he is also the incumbent.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Voter Fraud

Kris Kobach

The article, “Kris Kobach Pushed Kansas to the Right. Now Kansas Is Pushing Back.” was posted on The New York Times. The Supreme Court ruling is initiating a national debate over voter ID and voter fraud. There is no candidate that better defines this moment of politicized voting like Kris W. Kobach the Secretary of State. He has made his office a place for illegal immigration and restrictive voting. He has been the conservative voice on voter issues and helped states create laws on needing proof of citizenship, helped with a national hunt for double registration people and kept a Democratic candidate on ballot in order to help Pat Robert, Kansas’s Republican senator. Kris faces a difficult re-election because the people believe the Republican party has gone too far. Kris Kobach has had a great influence in many states by raising concern about the illegal immigrants steal elections. This has lead policies that decrease the turnout of people voting Democratic. He is proud of the fact that noncitizens are not a part of the voting process because of the law on paper checking. Interstate Crosscheck, another program compares voter registrations from other states to find evidence of double voting, but has come up short in finding significant voter fraud.

The article talks about the voter fraud and voter ID laws and programs being passed. It also talks about the effect laws and programs will have on the voter turnout.  Democrats say that these restrictions are meant to fight allegations of fraud are actually end up suppressing voter turnout. The check for double registration would also cause voter disenfranchisement in Kansas because many people cannot vote because they could not find their proof of citizenship. For example, senior citizens who cannot find their birth certificate and no longer have a driver’s license because they cannot drive now cannot vote even if they have voted before and want to vote.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Supreme Court

According to article in the New York Times, The Supreme Court made their latest campaign finance decision. The five judges appointed by the Republicans voted for the RNC, Republican National Committee. The four judges that were appointed by the Democrats disagreed with this. The judges created a 5-to-4 split which showed that they were partisan. The Supreme Court is divided because of political parties and this reflects the partisan polarization in the Congress, electorate and with the Justices. The eventual retirement of Justice Kennedy, a Republican, will move the court to be either Republican dominant or Democrat because right now Kennedy is the ideological center. The changes that have created a partisan split are due to the fact that the President cares more about the ideology, they became better at finding nominees who will vote according to their ideology, and party affiliation has now become the way people’s views and decisions can be predicted. Candidates now have to go through extensive vetting and grooming. Also they are often affiliated with either conservative or liberal lawyer networks instead of the neutral bar associations. The people who work with the justices also add to the partisan behavior. When hiring their 4 recent law students they now consider not only grades and recommendations but political marker. This increases the partisan polarization.
The Supreme Court Justices are partisan. Since the president appoints them, they have been known to pick justices that share their ideology. The article also talks about how vetting, extensively looking into their lives, now includes whether they will vote conservatively or liberally. It also mentioned that Justice David Souter was the last to be appointed that was an exception to this pattern. The political ideology affects the ruling in many cases. The conservatives won 10 of the case, such as the decision that struck down the core service of the Voting Rights Act. The liberals won 6 cases, such as the ruling that made a requirement for the federal government to give benefits to same-sex couples.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Senator John Cornyn

Interest Groups
Senator John Cornyn raised $15,407,375 in the 2009-2014 Cycle Fundraising Campaign Committee. His funding mainly comes from Large Individual Contributions. The Securities and Investments industry raised him a total $1,192,798 where a $1,036,798 came from Individuals. Since 2012 the Security and Investments Committee has become the biggest source of political contributions and John Cornyn received the third largest sum from this industry.

The Senator’s rating from the National Right to Life Committee, a pro-life committee, is 100%. And due to this stance on abortion the NARAL Pro-Choice America gives him a rating of 0%. The NARAL Pro-Choice America, committee that works to oppose the restrictions on abortion and make it more accessible, gives the Democratic Senator Mark Begich of Alaska a 100% rating.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Abortion Clinics

1410534377000-AP Abortion Restrictions-Texas.jpg

Washington Post recently posted an article titled, “Texas ruling cancels dozens of abortions that had been scheduled”. Clinics that provide abortions quickly made calls to cancel or reschedule the appointment due to a decision made by a panel of federal judges. The decision they made, led to 13 clinics across the state of Texas to close all of a sudden. The clinics did the not meet with the provision of a state law that required the abortion clinics to be able to comply with building and equipment standards that would qualify them to be ambulatory surgical centers. The provision of the state law was being blocked by a lower court till Thursday; after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, that included a three-judge panel, ruled that the law needs to be upheld and enforced. This inconvenienced the clinics and the women going there for their abortion and this is the second time clinics in Texas have been closed. Last year a law, known as HB2, that imposed the new restrictions on the providers and clinics of abortion was temporarily derailed by a filibuster from Senator Wendy Davis until Thursday. Most clinics state that they closed because complying with the HB2 is expensive and sometimes impossible; leaving only a handful of clinics open.
The Roe v. Wade (1973) Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in the nation. The HB2 law is taking away women's constitutional right to an abortion by limiting the access. The closing clinics has been happening across the nation and many legal battles are being fought over it, and a lot of people expect the Supreme Court to make a case soon about whether the law is violating rights of women. The article talks about the law not being in effect till the federal judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals decided it needed to be upheld. The Court of Appeals decision overcame the Senator’s filibuster, an action that obstructs the process of a legislative assembly simultaneously does not infringe the required procedures, and this forced clinics to follow the standards or shut down.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cornyn's Committees

Senator John Cornyn is a committee member on the The United States Senate Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance deals with taxation and other revenue measures, United State’s bonded debt, customs, the deposit of public money, health programs provided by Social Security Act and national social security, trade agreements, import and tariff quotas, and transportation of dutiable goods. The chairman is Ron Wyden and the Ranking Member is Orrin G. Hatch and 22 other members, including Chuck Grassley (IA) and Mike Crapo (ID). The legislation H.R. 5021 which is Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 became Public Law No: 113-159 on 08/0814, and is meant to provide the funding needed to preserve America’s transits and highways.

He is also a committee member on The United States Senate Committee on The Judiciary. This committee deals the hearings conducted prior to the Senate votes on the confirmation of federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices nominated by president. It also has jurisdiction over matters that deal with federal criminal law and immigration law, human rights, antitrust law, intellectual property law and internet privacy. as well as human rights, immigration law, intellectual property rights, antitrust law, and Internet privacy. The Chairman is Patrick J. Leahy and the Ranking Member is Chuck Grassley and 16 other members, including Dianne Feinstein (CA). The legislation is S.J.RES.19 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections and last action was on 9/11/14 and has only been introduced. The Constitutional Amendment states that the authorization of Congress and the states to regulate and set reasonable limits on the the spending and raising of money by candidates and others to help influence elections. The legislation grants Congress and states the power to use by the appropriate legislation and to know the difference between people and corporation or other artificial entities made by law, including the prohibition of such entities spending money to influence elections and declares that nothing in the amendment can be used to grant Congress or states the power to curtail the freedom of press.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

GSA Official indicted by Federal Jury

The Washington Post posted an article that talked about a Federal Jury indicting a former General Services Administration official with charges of fraud. Jeffrey E. Neely, the Western Regions Commissioner, faces criminal charges due to the fact that the grand jury indicted him on five counts of fraudulence. Neely tried to get reimbursement for his personal travel expenses and other expenses by submitting false claims and saying it was for government business. He was at the center of the scandal in the Las Vegas conference and the details of the trip came to attention with a 2012 inspector general’s review. In April 2012, GSA had placed Neely on leave and in May he left; another GSA Administrator Martha Johnson resigned and two deputies were fired after the scandal. When Neely was called to testify before he invoked the Fifth Amendment and then he did not show up to his hearing with the House of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. He is supposed to make a court appearance in October, and if he is convicted he will get up to five years in prison and will have to pay at least $25,000 for each count.
The relevance this event holds to our government class is that even a former GSA official is not above the law and that he still needs to pay for the crimes he has committed. Former GSA Inspector General Brian Miller thinks that Neely has abused the trust given to him. Something like this sets a bad example for others in the agency and leads to the people’s distrust. The GSA is an independent agency of the U.S. Government which helps support and manage the basics of federal agencies, which is a type of checks and balance. The article also talks about the process of indicting and convicting a GSA official by the Federal Jury, and Neely’s right and use of the Fifth Amendment.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Death Penalty

The article, Texas carries out a rare occurrence: An execution of a women, posted in the Washington Post, talks about Lisa Coleman who was executed in Texas on Wednesday, September 17, by the lethal injection. The execution occurred about an hour after the U.S. Supreme Court denied the last minute appeal for her case. This 38 year-old woman was given pentobarbital after she was found guilty for the murder of Davontae Williams, her girlfriend’s son. The murder occurred 10 years ago. Marcella Williams, the girlfriend, pleaded guilty for the crime and received a life sentence. Lisa and Marcella had tortured the 9 year-old boy by starving, beating and restraining him, he weighed only 35 pounds and had close to 250 scars on his body when he died. A kidnapping that results in murder is considered to be capital murder in Texas. But a petition filed says that she tortured Davontae, but they never truly kidnapped him, so a capital murder was not committed. Regardless, Lisa Coleman received the capital punishment and Marcella Williams received the life sentence.
The main relevance is that the death penalty is a federal vs. state decision. 32 states in the United States have the death penalty. In the Texas she is ninth person to have been executed and the thirtieth in the country in this past year. Lisa Coleman is also the fifteenth women to have been executed since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976 by the Supreme Court. In Texas capital murder is also when murder occurs during a kidnapping. In 2011, capital murder became when a 10 year old or younger is murdered. This shows the difference in the definition of capital murder federally and state-wise. Appeals are also discussed in this article. The U.S. Supreme Court denies the appeal for the case and she receives the lethal injection.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Senator John Cornyn represents the State of Texas. Texas is a border state and their main concern is border control because it shares the longest border with Mexico compared to any other states. There are 18 out 43 ports of entry in Texas only. Texas is also the second largest state in the United States.
Texas has the second largest  population of 26.48 million people as of 2013. 44.0% of the population are White Americans alone not Hispanics or Latinos, 12.4% of that population is African American and Hispanics and Latinos make up 38.4% of the population. The people under the age of 18 in 2013 is 26.6% so the rest of the population makes up the voters in Texas. The growing population in Texas as brought more traffic to the urban areas compared to the rural. The urban areas in Texas, therefore are more booming than the rural areas.
The main industries in Texas are Livestock and Agriculture. Oil, chemicals, natural gases, electronics and mining are some more of Texas’s industries. The per capita income in Texas in 2012 was $41,471 and it is the 25th state according to the income.
Texas is a red or Republican state, but the increase Hispanic population is causing Texas to have more democrats. As of 2013, 61% of the population that consists of Non- Hispanic Whites is Republican. But 46% of Hispanic population in Texas is Democratic. Despite this fact, it is likely to remain a Republican state. The Texas Presidential elections show that the state is still Republican heavy with 57.19% Republican votes in 2012.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Federal Judge Approves of Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

A Federal Judge is breaking the trend by approving the ban on same-sex marriages in Louisiana. According to the article in The New York Times, Judge Martin L.C. Feldman of the Federal District Court is going against the current trend of lifting the ban. Since the Supreme Court case United States v. Windsor last year, 19 other states and the District of Columbia have lifted the ban and 21 federal court decisions have found a same-sex marriage ban to be unconstitutional. Some legal experts think the judge’s approval of the ban on Wednesday will become irrelevant because Supreme Court will probably make a more final ruling in the next term. Nonetheless, the judge thinks that since same-sex marriage was not even possible until recently so it is not essential, and believes that agreeing to lift the ban on this will lead people to think marrying just about anyone, like one’s siblings, is okay. This is why he is the first federal judge to rule for the ban of same-sex marriage since the Supreme Court decision.

The relevance to our government course is that like the Republicans, Judge Martin Feldman believes marriage should be traditional. This means a man and woman can marry each other, and because it is a better environment for children. There is also talk about appeals being made about the judge’s decision. Some are even willing to take the case to the Supreme Court, which would also be a form of checks and balances in action. The main relevance is that the event is an example of a State V. Federal issue. Same-Sex marriage is legal federally, but every state has the choice of lifting or keeping the ban, and the judge has decided to approve of the ban in Louisiana.