Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Senator John Cornyn

Interest Groups
Senator John Cornyn raised $15,407,375 in the 2009-2014 Cycle Fundraising Campaign Committee. His funding mainly comes from Large Individual Contributions. The Securities and Investments industry raised him a total $1,192,798 where a $1,036,798 came from Individuals. Since 2012 the Security and Investments Committee has become the biggest source of political contributions and John Cornyn received the third largest sum from this industry.

The Senator’s rating from the National Right to Life Committee, a pro-life committee, is 100%. And due to this stance on abortion the NARAL Pro-Choice America gives him a rating of 0%. The NARAL Pro-Choice America, committee that works to oppose the restrictions on abortion and make it more accessible, gives the Democratic Senator Mark Begich of Alaska a 100% rating.

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