Friday, October 24, 2014

Senate Campaigning

Senate Races: Where Outside Groups Spend Their Money, this article from the New York times talks about the spending in the senate race by Outside Groups. The outside group that spends the most money in the Senate race is television. According to the Federal Election Commission data, television ads are able to reach voters better than online ads. They spend about $11 on just digital forms this year, this includes online ads, social media. PACs also spend tons of money trying to help elect their candidates.  From Oct. 10, television represented 82% of independent expenditures in Senate general election contests that were reported to the FEC., an increase from 75% in 2010.The outside groups have also put more emphasis on get-out-the-vote operations, which represented less than 3 percent of outside spending in Senate races in 2010 and has increased to more than 4 percent in both the 2012 and 2014 Senate contests. The amount of that spending in Senate races comes from groups supporting Democrats, $8.7 million compared with $709,000 by Republican groups. Spending on mail and phone banking however is starting to decrease.
This article talks about the campaign strategies and the amount of money spent in Senatorial elections. It talks about the FEC, which an agency that regulates campaign finance legislation. And PACs, Political Action Committees, which are meant to raise money privately to influence elections and get their candidate in office. The Get-out-the-vote, GOTV, is a political activity that is meant to increase the number of votes cast in an election, and money is targeted towards this help a candidate. Media coverage is an influencing component in races and so candidates have money specifically for television and the internet so they make independent expenditures, ads that support or defeat a candidate in an election.

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