Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cornyn's Committees

Senator John Cornyn is a committee member on the The United States Senate Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance deals with taxation and other revenue measures, United State’s bonded debt, customs, the deposit of public money, health programs provided by Social Security Act and national social security, trade agreements, import and tariff quotas, and transportation of dutiable goods. The chairman is Ron Wyden and the Ranking Member is Orrin G. Hatch and 22 other members, including Chuck Grassley (IA) and Mike Crapo (ID). The legislation H.R. 5021 which is Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 became Public Law No: 113-159 on 08/0814, and is meant to provide the funding needed to preserve America’s transits and highways.

He is also a committee member on The United States Senate Committee on The Judiciary. This committee deals the hearings conducted prior to the Senate votes on the confirmation of federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices nominated by president. It also has jurisdiction over matters that deal with federal criminal law and immigration law, human rights, antitrust law, intellectual property law and internet privacy. as well as human rights, immigration law, intellectual property rights, antitrust law, and Internet privacy. The Chairman is Patrick J. Leahy and the Ranking Member is Chuck Grassley and 16 other members, including Dianne Feinstein (CA). The legislation is S.J.RES.19 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections and last action was on 9/11/14 and has only been introduced. The Constitutional Amendment states that the authorization of Congress and the states to regulate and set reasonable limits on the the spending and raising of money by candidates and others to help influence elections. The legislation grants Congress and states the power to use by the appropriate legislation and to know the difference between people and corporation or other artificial entities made by law, including the prohibition of such entities spending money to influence elections and declares that nothing in the amendment can be used to grant Congress or states the power to curtail the freedom of press.

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